An empty plot of land, a dream, and a plan.
Back in the early part of 2020, we saw the need for something new in our village. We experienced unusual droughts, which affected our crops. Then Covid hit. Tourism stopped. Our village was no longer the vibrant eco village it once was. Our people were out of work.
We knew that we needed to diversify, as it is something our village has been working on for a long time.
We struck a deal with a neighbour. He had some land he needed to sell to support his family, and it was perfect for our new project.
The Kelecung Project was born.
Kelecung Village came together to help. By the end of August, we had cleared out our plot of land, and began to build the foundation and walls around the project site.
Our mission of having a hydroponic greenhouse and mushroom house to help support our village, as well as an education centre for anyone who wants to learn about our project has begun.
If you would like to help us out, please consider a donation to the project. Other ways to help are to share our message with your friends and follow us on social media!
We look forward to welcoming you to the Kelecung Project soon!